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Hand reamer Configurable, uncoated, Nominal ⌀ DC: 40mm

Article no.: 160200 40

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Nominal ⌀ DC (mm) Unit price incl. VAT


  • Tool material: HSS
  • Standard: DIN 206 B
  • Helix angle: 7-8
  • Through-coolant: no
  • Application for type of drilling: for through holes

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Product details

Technical Data

Nominal ⌀ DC 40 mm
Coating uncoated
Tool material HSS
Standard DIN 206 B
Helix angle 7-8 degrees
Through-coolant no
Application for type of drilling for through holes
⌀ range 39.201 mm - 40.200 mm
Flute length Lc 152 mm
Overhang L1 190 mm
Overall length L 305 mm
Number of cutting edges Z 10
Shank square □ 32 mm
Colour ring without
Configurable tolerances A; B; C; CD; D; E; EF; F; FG; G; H; I; J; JS; O; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; ZC; Z; ZA; ZB; ZC
Configurable qualities 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13
Type of product Phillips bit

Identification & Classification

Article number 160200 40
EAN / GTIN 4045197927576
Manufacturer number 160200 40
Manufacturer Hoffmann Supply Chain GmbH & Co. KG, Poststraße 15, 90471 Nürnberg, Germany, www.hoffmann-group.com

Application Table

Aluminium (short chipping)
Steel < 500 N/mm²
Steel < 750 N/mm²
Steel < 900 N/mm²



With left-hand helix 7 − 8° and long taper lead, more than 1/4 of the cutting length. An even number of teeth with irregular spacing for accurately round holes, free of chatter. The cylindrical ground chamfer on the plain cutting section smooths the hole and guides the reamer.
Hand reamers finish ground to match your specifications.


For through holes (not for blind holes). Also very suitable for interrupted holes.

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