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3M™ VHB™ Tape 4991F, Grey, 1200 mm x 16.5 m, 2.3 mm

Št. art.: 7000033144
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Identifikacijske številke in klasifikacije

Številka izdelka 7000033144
EAN/GTIN 04001895847578
Številka proizvajalca 7000033144



Product Colour: Grey
Bond high and medium surface energy substrates
Overall Length: 165 m
Overall Width: 1200 mm
Can replace mechanical fasteners (rivets, welding, screws) or liquid adhesives: Eliminate drilling, grinding, refinishing, screwing, welding and clean-up


Dream, Design, Deliver with our 3M™ VHB™ Tape 4991. It is a grey, 2.3 mm thick, multi-purpose acrylic adhesive with a conformable foam core. It can replace rivets, welds and screws. The fast and easy to use permanent bonding method provides high strength and long-term durability. It offers design flexibility with its viscoelasticity and powerful ability to bond to a variety of high and medium surface energy substrates.


Grey, 2.3 mm, acrylic adhesive with a conformable, acrylic foam core
Offers a good plastisiser resistance
Strong and durable bonds to a wide variety of high to medium surface energy substrates like aluminium, stainless steel, galvanised steel, polycarbonate, ABS
Superior outdoor performance, UV and solvent resistance
High aging resistance
Creates a permanent seal against water, moisture and more
High dynamic stress absorption reduces vibration and impact stress
Eliminate drilling, grinding, refinishing, screwing, welding and clean-up
Offers a good plastiziser resistance.


Bond panel to frame
Bond stiffener to panel
Bond of decorative material, trim, attachments
Bond of nameplates, logos and signs
Bond electronic displays
Bond lens window to housing

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