• Storitvenih izdelkov ni mogoče naročiti posebej, ampak jih je treba dodati primernemu izdelku.

DAkkS-kalibriranje Tehtnica, maksimalno območje tehtanja: 50

Št. art.: 027710 50
plus DDV po trenutni stopnji in strošek dostave
Individualne cene za poslovne stranke po prijavi.
Čas obdelave približno 2-3 tednov

Izberite različico in število kosov

maksimalno območje tehtanja Cena na kos vklj. z DDV

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Podrobnosti o izdelku

Tehnični podatki

akreditiran Da
primerno za Tehtnica
Vrsta izdelka Kalibriranje

Identifikacijske številke in klasifikacije

Številka izdelka 027710 50
EAN/GTIN 2050002056985



Die Bezeichnung „DAkkS-Kalibrierung“ wird entsprechend dem internationalen Standard in „akkreditierte Kalibrierung“ geändert. Dienstleistungen wie die DAkkS-Kalibrierung können ab sofort unter der Bezeichnung „akkreditierte Kalibrierung“ bestellt werden.
General information:
Calibration is an essential part of quality assurance. As your partner for calibrating your measurement tools and testing equipment, we take care of everything, including safe transport. We guarantee standards-compliant calibration in accordance with all relevant regulations and standards used by your company.

Accredited calibration:
Accredited calibration laboratories are linked directly to national standards by means of reference standards. DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle or German Accreditation Body) and other European accreditation bodies assess, confirm and monitor the professional competence of these bodies as independent institutions. We ensure processes are reviewed on a regular basis and implement our calibration processes properly in terms of measurement, which means you can rely on your measuring results. In addition to German accredited calibration laboratories, we also cooperate with e.g. Belgian accredited calibration laboratories so we can also issue the certificate of the Belgian accreditation body (BELAC certificate) in exceptional cases. Thanks to multilateral agreements concluded by the ILAC and the EA and the accreditation bodies of the various countries, the DAkkS calibration certificates and BELAC calibration certificates are internationally recognised, valid and audit-proof. This avoids requiring costly multiple accreditations.


  • Utmost reliability and the highest standard below national standards.
  • International recognition.
  • Subject to state regulation.
  • Tracing back to national standard is directly guaranteed.
  • Compliance with mandatory obligation for all companies in the automotive industry and its suppliers in accordance with the IATF 16949:2016 standard.
  • High degree of safety.


S strokovno obravnavo in rednim ponovnim kalibriranjem lahko podaljšate življenjsko dobo svojih testnih pripomočkov in jih zaščitite pred poškodbami in preveliko obrabo. Pomembna informacija v zvezi s tem: obsežna usposabljanja zaposlenih pri ravnanju z merili in testnimi pripomočki.


The calibration service can only be ordered in conjunction with a corresponding item. You can see which calibration service is available for which item on the measuring tools that can be calibrated.

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