GEPI 2.5-MT0.05 IC08 Precision Ground Internal Double-Ended Threading Inserts with a 60° Partial Profile for General Applications

Artikelnummer: 6403393
  • Minimale bestelhoeveelheid 10 stuks
  • Stappen van de bestelling: 10 stuks
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    Artikelnummer 6403393
    EAN/GTIN 7291075158366
    Nummer fabrikant 6403393
    L-nummer L23940 349



    On-Edge Threading Indexable Inserts, Cutting Width (CW) 2.5 mm, Profile Included Angle (PNA) 60 Degrees


    • Corner Radius (RE) 0.05 mm
    • Cutting Direction (HAND) Neutral
    • Cutting Edge Length (L) 10 mm
    • Cutting Width (CW) 2.5 mm
    • Profile Included Angle (PNA) 60 Degrees
    • Thread Form Type (THFT) VP60
    • Thread Pitch Maximum (TPX) 2.54 mm
    • Thread Pitch Minimum (TPN) 0.91 mm
    • Threads per Inch Maximum (TPIX) 28 Threads/″
    • Threads per Inch Minimum (TPIN) 10 Threads/″

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