Many years of experience with software for management, issue and storage of C-parts and other items required for the production process have enabled us to offer individual packages for expansion of the very powerful basic software.
The new Tool24 software offers impressive, intuitive operation with simple administration. It provides a quick and easy option for managing your tools and C-items.
With full access over the entire network, shopping baskets can be filled at the workstation, in order to ensure faster issuing of the entire shopping basket at the Tool24 Master Unit system. On the home page (dashboard), frequently used items can be created individually for each user to shorten access times.
Basic – The basic software offers you all the facilities to manage your tools and if necessary to extend the software by adding further modules.
Quick withdrawal:
- Multiple withdrawal / refilling
- Shopping basket reservation/withdrawal
- Favourites function for quick withdrawal / refilling of frequently used items.
- Perform a transaction (withdraw, refill, cancel, etc.) from any screen.
Intuitive operation
- Full text search / live search
- Quick user login by PIN and also RFID / fingerprint (optional), whether to a PC or to the Tool24.
- Individualisation at the user level (personalised dashboard).
Compatible with mobile devices:
- Access via tablets and laptops.
- Self-scaling software.
- Shopping basket reservations from the workplace
Standardised accounting tools:
- Graphical output.
- User / job / cost centre levels.
- User configuration of report formatting.
- Send reports to PC by e-mail, always have the latest information.
- The same interface to the PC and to Tool24.
Hoffmann Group Connected
With this article you are gaining a building block for your digitally networked production. Increased productivity can be achieved together with the respective software module.
Can only be ordered in conjunction with a PC.
Additional training is required.
Please get in touch with your contact person or give us a call.