Filled with especially high-quality Söhngen® brand bandages.
Filling to DIN 13157.
- 2× PE pressure closure bags 300 x 400 x 0.05 mm (0204030)
- 1× SIRIUS® rescue blanket 210 x 160 cm (0701001)
- 1× bandage DIN SO 60 x 80 cm (1003009)
- 2× aluderm® DuOcul eye compresses (1003340)
- 1× aluderm® bandage pack DIN small (1003371)
- 3× aluderm® bandage packs DIN medium (1003372)
- 1× aluderm® bandage pack DIN large (1003373)
- 3× DERMOTEKT® compresses 10 x 10 cm à 2 pieces (1003401)
- 2× WS fixing bandages 4 m x 6 cm (1004101)
- 2× WS fixing bandages 4 m x 8 cm (1004102)
- 1× fleece wipes 200 x 300 mm 5 pieces each (1005007)
- 2× medical face masks EN 14683-2019 IIR individual (1005317)
- 1× SÖHNGEN® pore 5 m x 2.50 cm (1008111)
- 1× plaster/quick bandage set 10 x 6 cm 12 pieces (1008213)
- 1× aluderm®-aluplast range small (1009152)
- 4× wet cloths for cleaning uninjured skin individually (1009308)
- 2× triangular bandages V SO RD (1010015)
- 1× glove set with 4 pieces of vinyl large (1010073)
- 1× instant cold compression small from 200 cm² (1012042)
- 1× first aid clothing scissors 19 cm bent (2001008)
- 1× first aid instructions SO immediate measures at the accident site (8001005)
Sterile bandages from SÖHNGEN can be used up to 20 years after the date of manufacture printed on them.