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2-component adhesive, Manufacturer ID: DP410

Article no.: 083374 DP410

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Product details

Technical Data

Manufacturer's designation DP410
Chemical basis Epoxy resin
Density 1.1 g/cm³
Shape Paste
Processing temperature 20 °C - 25 °C
Operating temperature range -55 °C - 80 °C
Touch dry after 30 min
Functional strength to 45 min
Suitable for material Metal
Maximum gap size 0.15 mm
Tensile shear strength 34 N/mm2
Lap shear strength 38 N/mm2
Colour beige
Capacity 50 g
Storage temperature 15 °C - 25 °C
Working life after date of manufacture 12 month
Type of product Two-component adhesive
Resistant to impacts and vibrations yes

Identification & Classification

Article number 083374 DP410
Manufacturer number 7100200494
Manufacturer 3M DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, Carl-Schurz-Straße 1, 41453 NEUSS, Germany,



A two-component adhesive (2C adhesive) consists of two components (resin and hardener). Mixing these components causes a chemical reaction that produces a durable, stable and resilient connection.


Use manual application gun No. 083373 size PISTOLE together with delivery piston No. 083375 size KOLBEN3 and mixing tubes No. 083383 size MIXER.

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