Locations and partners

Staying close to our customers – wherever they are in the world

Our customers know that we're always by their side – and we're right on their doorstep too. Currently, we employ over 4000 staff members in more than 50 countries, with 1400 of these acting as specialist consultants. That means we can provide you with exactly the concept or solution you need to get ahead – at any time and wherever you're located.

In Germany, the Hoffmann Group includes the partner companies Gödde in Cologne, Perschmann in Braunschweig and Oltrogge in Bielefeld, all of which are legally independent entities. Abroad, we work with the SFS Group Schweiz AG in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Ravema in Sweden and UAB Metmatus in Lithuania. What's more, long-standing distribution partnerships in several markets provide the Hoffmann Group with another avenue for its activity.

Thanks to our global presence, we can offer more than 135,000 customers the highest level of assurance for supply availability, quality standards and, as a result, reliability in production and productivity.

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