How to stop wasting money and ensure a secure supply

Ensuring a secure supply of C-parts is a matter for everyone.

We are all familiar with the saying “every little helps” – and for Managing Directors and controllers, this becomes particularly evident with C-parts and consumables. As a Managing Director, you often have to negotiate with countless suppliers – not exactly a simple matter, and indeed it can end up quite a complex process. Your colleagues in the Purchasing department are in a similar situation – the Production department expects them to provide reliable information about delivery times and availability.

The problem is that technical departments often order C-parts by bypassing the ERP system and, as a result, also the Purchasing department. This is a phenomenon known as maverick buying, and is now the focus of academic research.

There is a similar level of confusion in Production departments because everyone simply obtains the C-parts they need – meaning exact stock levels are not known. This is understandable, because master technicians in Production departments are measured by the quality they produce – and you cannot achieve this without the right tools, etc. Production managers also face a similar dilemma, as overall production will only run efficiently if consumption and replenishment arrangements work optimally. Failing to succeed in this endeavour will ultimately affect the bottom line. At this point, if not before, it becomes clear why you need to focus on small items like C-parts as much as all the others.

Key facts about maverick buying

Do you recognise yourself in the scenario described above? Then you are not alone! Only a quarter of all German companies manage to stay below the critical maverick buying rate of 5%. A study by the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics (BME) and Boston Consulting Group shows that it is common practice for individual departments to order C-parts or consumables without the knowledge of the management team, Purchasing department, or store room/production managers.

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The future of procurement is lean and transparent.

For most companies, an e-procurement strategy that is systematically implemented all the way through, including procurement logistics, represents the solution to the dilemma described above. Lean management principles have long proven their worth in industrial production companies. To this day, little attention is paid to the matter of procurement logistics, and specifically C-parts management/the procurement of consumables – despite the fact that they are core elements of industrial production.

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Industrial vending solutions ensure peak efficiency in procurement logistics

Representing the final stage of procurement logistics, a industrial vending solution can be the most practical solution for your company. As an integral part of an e-procurement strategy, industrial vending solution are not only lean, but systematically consider procurement logistics as part of an overall end-to-end chain. Ensuring a secure supply has never been easier. Industrial vending solutions from the Hoffmann Group support you across all technical disciplines and help you to optimise your processes so as to eliminate waste and provide maximum security of supply.

Find out how such systems can provide you with the greatest possible transparency, and why they are essential for goods purchasing, transportation, and goods receipt for C-parts.

The time for new standards is now. Use an industrial vending solution as part of your digital transformation – get rid of maverick buying and rigid stand-alone solutions and instead reap the benefits of automatic machines you can position flexibly. Give your master technicians, foremen and workers the peace of mind of having an optimal supply of C-parts, and profit from improved monitoring on a commercial level. The benefits will be clear to see in your budget, your employees and your total cost of ownership.

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En Hoffmann Group se consigue todo de una sola mano: estámos a su disposición para acompañarle desde el proyecto de su espacio de trabajo en 3D y hasta el montaje de las instalaciones. Juntos encontrarémos la mejor solución para adaptarla a sus necesidades. Un mobiliario industrial adecuado aumenta el rendimiento, ahorra tiempo y reduce los costes.

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